Saturday, October 17, 2009

One Week (or Less) to Go!

As busy as our schedules seem to be, Erik and I purposely scheduled NOTHING for this weekend to enjoy our last weekend before Brooklyn's arrival. Yesterday, I was fortunate to have an early day (7 shoulder blocks, done around 1pm) and headed to Above All Grand Salon where I treated myself to a massage (gift to self) and a spa pedicure (gift card from Sara). It was quite relaxing but I didn't realize my spa pedicure was going to be about 100 minutes long so I didn't get a chance to get a manicure so I scheduled one at Capelli's for today.

I got home around 4pm and took a jetted bath, complete with bubble baths! While we had dozens of restaurants to pick to go out to eat, I went with my favorite comfort food and wanted Long John Silvers Chicken and Corn-on-the-cob and man, was it the comfort food I had so desired. The heartburn has just been horrid the past 3-ish weeks. We then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and picked up a humidifier for B's room. We ventured to Costco and picked up one of their super duper metal shelving units for the storage room and went around to various places attempting to seek a Blu Ray movie to watch in the newly completed home theater in the basement but couldn't find anything we wanted to actually buy so we just watched Blue Planet. The quality of the picture on the Kuro is outstanding and Erik did a great job setting up the multitude of speakers. I had an early night falling asleep on the couch but we did have a nice couple pick up the China Cabinet...I'm sure the country style will look great in their house, it's just not our style. We have more of a modern classic style and I just didn't have the time to refinish it to something more espresso or black in color to go with the associated decor (just like Erik never had the chance to get into all this hacking of satellite stuff with the extra Direct TV dishes on our house).

This morning, we slept in until 9am (which compared to my 5am wake-ups is definitely sleeping in). Erik didn't go hunting initially b/c it was raining at 5am. I went downstairs and made Belgian waffles....a small plain waffle for Crosby with Cocoa Chocolate Chip waffles for us. We were out of chocolate syrup so I made a syrupy chocolate ganache out of some chocolate chips and heavy cream I already had in the fridge. I also made a simple syrup and cut up a big bowl of strawberries for myself. After filling up some of our breakfast glasses with milk, I brought breakfast in bed upstairs and we had an enjoyable breakfast. I just hope Crosby realized how spoiled she is by getting homemade dog-friendly waffles in bed and then was cuddled by her mommy and daddy for another 30 minutes.

Erik went hunting while the pregnancy nesting instinct was in full force as I attempted to clean out and purge items from my craft room. In the middle, I had my French manicure at Capelli's and returned to find my nesting instinct was still strong. I have decided that I am no longer keeping old bills (aside from credit card bills for record keeping) and once the new bill comes in showing the balance, the old bills get shredded. I've been keeping bills for years so I figured I had better act on my current need to shred those old bills while it was in my mind. Likewise, I also went through and purged a good bit of papers, journal articles and memos and other info from med school that I haven't looked at in ages. I am trying to organize my coupons, create a binder for my stash of BBB coupons and reorganize product info receipts and brochures that I want to keep. In addition, I am organizing all my fabrics and ribbons so that I can make some feeble attempts at efficiency for my crafting projects while I'm on maternity leave.

By late afternoon, Erik returned empty-handed and we put together the storage unit in the back part of the basement. Right now, it is holding our paint supplies and organizing our alcohol since we got rid of the China Cabinet last night (love Craigslist!). We now have a semi-carpeted storage room with yet, to be determined organizing space.

After getting Chinese for dinner, we watched Couples Retreat (don't even ask) and then followed that by the Pens Game where they trumped Tampa Bay. Nothing better than enjoying the home theater, having the Pens on while cuddled up with a blanket, having Crosby asleep on our laps with the laptop coming up with my 60+ item to-do list for maternity leave. The biggest tasks while I'm on leave: organizing the craft room to complete efficiency, obtaining a secretary desk (custom made or found in store) for the entryway, craigslisting half the items sitting out in the basement and organizing the rest of the items into storage totes.

Now, it's off to bed....awaiting that moment anytime in the next 7 days where Brooklyn will let us know she's ready to make her appearance.

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