Friday, October 23, 2009

The Irony...

So, we had been debating for a while about elective induction vs. letting Brooklyn choose her appearance. We were supposed to go in last night to start the induction process so by morning, Dr. S could break my water and then deliver, ideally, in the afternoon. Well, it's midnight and they still hadn't called and I heard from my sources that Magee was busy so we went to bed. I fell asleep on the couch at like 10:40 and Erik was a bit nervous and stayed up until midnight in case we got the call. At midnight, we both ventured up to bed. We had washed everything and changed the sheets b/c my parents were going to be coming in and staying in our room while we were at the hospital...but, at the last minute after I had already gotten into bed, I decided to put the blanket and chux pad on the bed, just in case.

I woke up around 3am with my regular alarm and figured since they hadn't called yet, that there was no reason to have people come to the house for 10am. I actually called the parents, sister, sister-in-law, etc around 3am to let them know to reschedule their plans/sick days since we didn't know if they'd even bring us in at that point and that she wouldn't be born anytime in the near future so they all could go to work. I actually decided that I was going to go into work this morning unless we had been called in before 6am. I figured they weren't going to bring us in, so we'd go to work and I'd call at 8am when the office opened and then we'd just wait until we had more updates.

Anyway, at 4:30, the phone rings and they give us the green light to come in. Erik and I decide to sleep in another 30 minutes then head in around 5:30 or so. This may be too much information but I noticed it felt a little "wet" but didn't think anything of it since I was sweating and feeling quite warm and cozy since Crosby and I were cuddling. Then, about 10 minutes later I go to roll over and, wham, like a gushing faucet. My water had broken! I woke Erik up with the news! I think he was a little annoyed at this tidbit of info...not realizing the implication of this moment! At that point, I felt instant relief about the induction vs. Brooklyn arriving on her own! I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder and I was so calm yet excited at the same time!

We take our time to get up and get ready. Apparently, it's true what they say about towels after your water breaks! Erik was taking his time and I was like a kid on Christmas! Crosby had to have sensed that something was different....usually, when Erik and I are both up to go to work, Crosby is such a little zombie dog that you have to carry her downstairs in the morning to go potty then she practically drunk walks back up the stairs, goes straight to the couch or our bed and is asleep within minutes until like noon, if not 2 or 3 in the, not this morning! From the moment we got out of bed, she was this excited little jumpy dog with her tail wagging and she just followed us around the house whining and crying. She had no problems going potty and just had such high energy the entire time. She did her excited howls when we were going to the garage...something she NEVER does at 5am and something she usually never does before noon. She had to know or sense that something was up!

On the way in, we called the family and let them know to reschedule their plans back to the original, though they didn't "need" to be at the house first thing in the morning. Erik and I just talked the entire way about how exciting this was going to be.

We got to the hospital at 5:45am and since I was scheduled for elective induction, they already had our room ready and registration was already done so we just had to sign a few papers and they took us right back to LDR 3. It was a little while until the nurse came in but she was entering all the pitocin orders since they were already here. Since I was already scheduled, everything was filled out so we got the ball rolling early. I had still been feeling those contractions every 2-10 minutes, very irregular, and definitely not painful...I wouldn't have even noticed them if I wasn't feeling my belly.

The nurse came in around 6:15am and got me connected to the contraction monitor and fetal heart rate monitor. Another huge weight was lifted off my shoulder hearing her heart beat around 150s. Sometimes, being in medicine creates too much stress b/c you know too much...I kept thinking that I hope we didn't have a prolapsed cord when my water broke...that really was a thought that crossed through my mind so hearing her heartbeat was a relief. I asked to turn the machine up so I could hear the heartbeat the entire time. Amanda also went through the paperwork list and started my IV (she did miss the first one but got the second one....I was only going to give her 2 tries before I asked for one of my anesthesia peeps to do it but thank goodness she got it on the second one....there should've been no reason to miss my veins, there were like 8 that were like 14 gauge pipes just in my hands. The charge nurse came in to draw my blood to save some time since the IV wouldn't draw blood.

I did ask to not have any med students or interns...yes, I know it's a teaching hospital but for the med students, I may have them on a rotation some day and for the interns, well, I was an intern once too. I didn't care if a resident checked me or whatnot but I didn't know where the interns were on their rotation block.

They just started the pitocin around 7am at a level of 2 and I can definitely feel the contractions a bit more. Maybe 1-2/10 at this point. The contractions were irregular, about every 2-6 minutes on the monitor.

I'm just waiting to be checked at this point and to see where things go. I'm just super excited that Brooklyn had the chance to make her own arrival. Huge weight lifted off my shoulders! Thus, we'd be in the same boat regardless of what decision we had made (induction vs. letting her decide her arrival). Sometimes, I think God just wants to mess with my brain a little bit to keep me on my toes. So, it looks like we'll have our Mole Day (a mole is 6.02 times 10 to the 23 atoms or molecules of a substance...I know, I'm a chemistry nerd...I even have a Mole stuffed animal from the American Chemical Society) baby after all!

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