Friday, November 20, 2009

Um, yeah...long night for our FOUR WEEK OLD

So, we put B down to sleep at 11 last night and from midnight to 2, it was definitely a trying time. She was up every 10 minutes...she nursed from both breasts, had about 2 ounces from a bottle, was burped, changed, cleaned, rocked, bounced, swaddled, shushed, etc and yet still continued to scream despite my best attempts. Then, I think she finally fell asleep after I fed her again (she had to have had 6-8+ ounces over the multiple feedings). She was up again at 4 for a quick nurse and then up at 6:30 for another feeding. I brought her into bed with us on the Boppy Lounger where we both woke up at 9:30. My Facebook quote this morning was "Some kid out there who wanted a little sister for Christmas almost got their wish when I was ready to put her in a box and ship her to the North Pole at 2 am after two hours of B's desire to cry and not sleep." That about summarized how I felt this morning!

I was exhausted so I didn't get very far off the couch after nursing. I took a nap from 11:30 to 12:30 and B had a bottle for that feeding. Andrea left during this was nice that she spent yesterday cleaning...actually quite nice b/c it's one less thing to worry about with the needs of a demanding four week old. Did I just say that? FOUR WEEKS! Oh my, what a pleasure it has been.

I finally made it to the shower at 2 and headed to our Homeowner's Association Board Meeting at 2:30 with B. I did catch Oprah at 4 and watched her bid her farewell when she ends her show in 2011. B napped on my chest and I just watched her for what seemed like an hour...I watched her different facial expressions while she slept...she smiles, curls her lip, frowns, furrows her brow, moves her eyes, winks, etc all while sleeping and it's just precious. We all have come so far in the past 28 days, 4 weeks. 4 weeks ago, we had this tiny little fragile being and now we have this still tiny, not quite as fragile baby that has more of a personality. Her eyes will focus on us and she stares intently while studying our faces. Every once in a while, we get a smile when we smile and always, you'll get a yawn from us when she yawns. She's just so precious and we are so fortunate, blessed and happy to have her in our lives!

Erik learned an invaluable lesson today about burp cloths and their purpose as he had a significant amount of spitup on his shirt and B, being the multi-talented infant that she is, was able to burp, spit up, hiccup and poop at the same time. Unfortunately, given Erik's position and B's already full diaper, we had some leakage which was also quite evident on his shirt....he looked like the classic dad and would not let me take a picture!

Tonight, I must share two Crosby stories (no, she's not the red-headed stepchild...she still sleeps with us and gets her fair share of cuddling...she just is over this whole B crying thing so just stays asleep whenever she fusses). The past few days, B's spitup has been more frequent and with increased quantities...Crosby takes it upon herself to clean up our burp cloths by licking up her spitup. I think she might gain a few pounds this year from all of her extra snacking. Then, Erik was doing some work tonight and I hadn't seen Crosby for about an hour...I go upstairs to change into PJs and I see a lump in the bed...yep, sure enough Crosby put herself to bed underneath the covers...oh, she never ceases to make us smile.

I'll close B's FOUR WEEK (can I say that enough!?!?) post by saying how much more I love Erik every time I look at B and see him in her and every time I see Erik holding her, I fall in love with him all over again!

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